Title: Closed String Field Theory

Presenter: Alireza Pahlavan

Time & Date: 10:‌00 IRST on 27 September & 12:00 IRST on 10 October 20‌23

Location: Ferdowsi University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Room 14

Abstract: We have previously discussed Witten's open string field theory and some related topics (such as Sen's first conjecture and tachyon potential). Now we want to revisit some fundamentals of closed string field theory and see how we use hyperbolic geometry to construct them. In the first session, we will briefly review closed string field theory and then focus on how to build string vertices and interactions in CSFT using hyperbolic geometry. We will also introduce a naive vertex. In the next session, we will show why the naive vertex is not consistent and use some techniques to create a consistent version.


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