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String Theory and Holography Group of Ferdowsi University

M. Ameri

Mehdi Ameri (PhD Student)


Picture3  +98 51 3880 4109

Picture4   Ferdowsi University, Faculty of Sciences, -1 floor, Physics Ph.D. room No. 29, Mashhad, Iran


Research Interest

Two-dimensional gravity, Topological Gravity, Black Hole Physics, String Theory, Holography, Random Matrix Theory, Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model, Quantum Chaos, Biophysics




 M.Ameri2Research Scheme

The microscopic origin of black hole entropy has been well-studied for two decades since Bakenstein and Hawking discovered a famous area low for their thermodynamic entropy. This clue can help us investigate quantum corrections on gravity regarding finding the full quantum gravity. This can be done in the context of string theory itself or one of its consequences, i.e. the AdS/CFT correspondence. My research mainly focuses on the relationship between the symmetries of various dimensions of this correspondence and studying the non-perturbative leading corrections to gravity in two dimensions that indeed play a crucial role in determining the black hole energy spectrum.





TA Course (Winter '22):  Mathematical Methods in Physics 3


My Talks:

1- Holographic Universe (Public Lecture) - Planetarium of FUM - 28 October 2023

2- Conformal Bootstrap - Ferdowsi University - 12 July 2023

3- Volumes of the Moduli space for JT gravity and Matrices - Ferdowsi University - 09 Nov 2022