Title: Non-Relativistic Conformal Field Theory (NRCFT)

Presenter: Mohammad M. Ahmadi

Time & Date: 14:00 IRST - Wednesday - October 19th, 2022

Abstract: Conformal field theories (CFTs) form a particular class of relativistic quantum field theories, where the poincaré symmetry group is enlarged to the group of conformal transformations. CFTs appear to describe the fixed point of the renormalization group flow in a relativistic quantum field theory. Non-relativistic quantum systems with two-body bound state energies tuned close to the threshold seem to describe a variety of physical problems. This tuning may be accidental, as it is in the effective theories that describe the few-body strong interactions of nucleons at low momentum transfers, or arranged by experimental manipulation, as with cold atoms placed in an external confining trap. As the binding energy approaches the threshold, the scattering length diverges and the precise nature of the two-body interactions becomes irrelevant. In this limit, the dynamics can be formulated in terms of local nonrelativistic scale invariant field theories (NRCFTs), in which the usual Galilean invariance of the interactions is enhanced to a non-relativistic conformal symmetry known as Schrödinger symmetry.


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